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Elizabeth City, NC -阿尔伯马尔学院(COA)自豪地宣布与博福特县社区学院(BCCC)达成新的教学服务协议(isa)。, 为这两个领域的学生开辟令人兴奋的教育和职业道路. isa允许学生在他们的“家乡”学院学习通识教育课程要求,然后很容易地转到合作学院完成特定项目的课程. 这些伙伴关系加强了COA和BCCC提供多样化服务的承诺, 高质量的教育机会带来成功的职业生涯.

“这些新的isa和我们现有的转学协议强调了我们对学生成功和劳动力发展的承诺,” said Dr. Jack Bagwell, President of College of The Albemarle. “作为北卡罗来纳州东北部的区域教育和劳动力培训提供商, 我们与博福特县社区学院的合作增强了我们服务社区的能力. By collaborating with BCCC, we are expanding educational and career opportunities for students, 为他们提供“更好的技能”所需的教育和技能. Better Jobs. Better Future.“我们致力于为学生提供他们在职业生涯中茁壮成长所需的知识和经验,并为本地区的经济活力做出贡献。.”

Sandra Bates, COA Aviation Systems Technology Graduate

The latest agreements between the two colleges include:

  • 船舶制造和服务-船舶建造文凭- BCCC提供
    Focused on the intricate craft of boat building, 该文凭课程提供船舶建造技术的实践培训, ensuring graduates are ready to meet industry demands​​. 如欲了解更多有关BCCC的船舶制造及服务-船舶建造文凭,请浏览
  • Culinary Arts Diploma – Offered at COA – Edenton-Chowan
    This program equips students with essential culinary skills, preparing them for various roles in the food service industry. 课程内容包括基本技术、菜单规划和食品安全标准. To learn more about COA’s Culinary Arts program, visit
  • 航空系统技术应用科学副学士(AAS) - COA - Currituck提供
    这个综合性的课程训练学生维护和修理航空系统, 将理论知识与实践经验相结合,为航空业的职业生涯做好准备. 欲了解更多有关COA航空系统技术计划的信息,请访问
  • Air Conditioning, Heating, COA - Dare和COA - Edenton-Chowan提供制冷(HVAC)技术文凭
    该课程提供暖通空调系统的专业培训,并为学生在安装中的技术角色做好准备, maintenance, and repair of heating, cooling, and refrigeration systems​​. To learn more about COA’s HVAC program, visit

“我们非常高兴接受合格的阿尔伯马尔学院(COA)学生进入我们的船舶制造和服务项目,并为我们的COA学生在航空等领域开辟新的机会, culinary arts, and heating and air,” said Dr. Dave Loope, Beaufort CCC President. “我们的学生雄心勃勃,他们希望在令人兴奋和有目的的职位上工作. 我们很高兴与COA合作,将他们与他们选择的职业抱负联系起来.”

这些协议只是COA学生可获得的转学和教育机会的一部分. 我们广泛的网络包括与北卡罗莱纳州及其他地区的机构的转让协议, offering pathways in various fields of study:

  • The University of North Carolina System: COA students can transfer to multiple campuses, including Appalachian State, East Carolina University, Elizabeth City State University, UNC Chapel Hill, and others, 从护理和工程到美术和幼儿教育等学科.
  • North Carolina Independent Institutions: Agreements with colleges such as Barton College, Belmont Abbey College, 和高点大学为COA毕业生提供无缝过渡.
  • Regional Partnerships: Collaborations with Mid-Atlantic Christian University, Old Dominion University, 弗吉尼亚卫斯理大学为攻读护理学位的学生提供了更多的机会, Business Administration, and Medical Laboratory Science​​.


About College of The Albemarle

As a regional community college for Northeastern North Carolina, 阿尔伯马尔学院培养卓越的教育,是我们自豪地服务的社区的核心. With a rich and expansive history, COA offers accessible, high-quality education to students across Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Pasquotank and Perquimans counties. Our four campuses, strategically located throughout the region, reflect our commitment to student success. 在COA,我们赋予个人权力,改变生活,塑造我们地区的未来. 在阿尔伯马尔学院发现你的潜力,在这里教育遇见机会.

About Beaufort County Community College

博福特县社区学院是一所位于华盛顿的综合性公立社区学院, N.C. Beaufort CCC is dedicated to providing high-quality education, workforce training, and lifelong learning opportunities to the residents of Beaufort, Hyde, Tyrrell, and Washington Counties. The college offers a wide range of associate degree programs, diplomas, and certificates across various fields of study, 确保学生为成功的职业生涯或继续教育做好充分准备. Through the Beaufort Promise Scholarship, 学院承担所有大学学分课程的学费和费用,并通过继续教育部门为其四个县服务区域的合格居民提供50多个小时的认证课程.